Sit-Stand Desks are the up and coming rage in offices throughout North America – and rightly so…

Computer technology is a natural part of most office tasks, forcing computer users to be physically inactive for extended periods.

Sitting is the new smoking” – Awareness of the dangers of sitting for extended, uninterrupted periods is hitting home to computer users and employers alike. Many research studies point to a direct relation between sitting for extended periods and the increased risk of various serious health issues.

Sit-Stand Desks just may be the solution.

Sitting for more than 2 hours is not good for you: From numerous studies, we know that sedentary behaviour (SB) increases the risk of developing dangerous body fat, alters metabolism, causes higher blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attacks and increases the risk of type-2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.

On the other hand, standing for long periods is not good for you either: Standing for long periods is bad for your health because of the strain on the lower limbs. Problems include aching muscles; hazardous pressure on hip, knee and ankle joints; and damaged feet. The symptoms people usually experience are lower limb swelling, tiredness and discomfort. Medical professionals also link standing to varicose veins and a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). With CVI, veins cannot send enough blood to the heart.

The answer – Flexibility: Sit-Stand Desks give the user the ability to easily move from a sitting position to a standing position and back again upon demand creating a healthy and productive solution that can be accomplished without interrupting workflow and concentration.

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